
Cigar Dojo was created in 2012 as the world’s first and largest social cigar app. Drawing inspiration from the community and training-focused ethos of traditional Asian dojos, Cigar Dojo offers smokers a fun and inviting path to explore the world of premium cigars. The Dojo, as it has become known, takes the antiquated customs that cigars are often associated with and flips them on their head, offering modernized tools for today’s aspiring aficionado! Social interaction has long been at the core of the Dojo’s doctrine, but modernized tools such as cigar check-ins, badges, and belt progress (this is a dojo, after all) offer smokers powerful tools to discover new cigars and track their smoking journey (all the way to the coveted Ninja status) like never before.

Where will your unique cigar journey take you? Join the Dojo now and find out; because with the Dojo, you Never Smoke Alone!