Charter Oak Pegnataro
The Charter Oak Pegnataro cigar is one of two blends (joining the Charter Oak Pasquale cigar) introduced in 2023 by Foundation Cigar Co., with founder/owner Nick Melillo paying homage to the smoking styles of his two grandfathers: Pegnataro and Pasquale. Where the standard Charter Oak cigars are described as suiting his grandfathers' everyday tastes, the more limited Pegnataro and Pasquale cigars would be their upgraded weekend selections. Each cigar is named after one of Melillo's grandfathers and his preferred wrapper style. As such, the Pegnataro cigar boasts a Connecticut Shade wrapper, being used over all-Nicaraguan binder/filler. Both cigars offer more depth and body than the core-line Charter Oaks, and are rolled in more limited quantities, being offered on a quarterly basis.