Cohiba Spectre 2022
Cohiba Spectre 2022 is the fourth cigar in Cohiba's ultra-premium Spectre series. The cigars were blended by General Cigar's master artisans at their factory in the DR, making use of five tobacco varietals throughout the blend. This includes a rare, aged Brazilian wrapper from the 2008 harvest (the first time a Brazilian wrapper has been used on a Cohiba cigar). The binder is described as "wrapper-quality," with General's agronomists crossing Pelo d’Oro with Connecticut to create "Pelo d’Oro Connecticut." The fillers include Honduran (Jamastran, Olancho San Agustin, and La Entrada), Nicaraguan (Estelí ligero and viso), and Dominican (Piloto Cubano) tobaccos. Despite the 2022 title, the cigars were delayed to a 2023 release, being rolled in a singular 6" x 52 toro format and limited to 600 exorbitant boxes of 10 cigars.