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Platinum Nova Cigar





Platinum Nova Cigar operates in the boutique side of the premium cigar industry, with the cigars being rolled out of the company's own factory, which is located in Santiago, DR. The company has a somewhat ambiguous background, frequently describing themselves as "family owned" and being the descendants of an enigmatic figure in the premium cigar industry—a confidential man that passed away at the age of 91 in 2017. While technically founded in 2011, Platinum Nova was not selling cigars until 2015, and didn't gain any significant following until bringing on the current figureheads Leonor “Leo” Abzaradel and Aurelio “Ari” Riego in 2019 and 2017, respectively. In terms of brand identity, the company features space and astronomy themes throughout their cigars, as "Nova" describes an astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, new star that slowly fades over weeks or months.
